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get debian org

  1. Debian -- Где взять Debian

    Где взять Debian. Debian свободно распространяется через Интернет.

  2. Debian -- Спасибо за загрузку Debian!

    Спасибо за загрузку Debian! Это Debian 11, кодовое имя bullseye, образ для сетевой установки для архитектуры 64-битный

  3. Index of /images

    The Debian Images Team is a small team of people working on creating, testing and distributing Debian images for you. For more information about the team and how it all works, see the Debian...

  4. Index of /cdimage

    snapshot and snapshot-amd64 contain snapshot copies of the Debian archive, used by jigdo. ports contains installer images for the non-release "ports" architectures. unofficial contains a mix of things

  5. Как получить Debian через Интернет

    Где взять Debian / Как получить Debian через Интернет.

  6. Index of /images/cloud

    In this page you can find the Debian cloud images provided by the Debian Cloud Team for some cloud providers.

  7. Debian -- Thank you for downloading Debian!

    Other installers and images, such as live systems, offline installers for systems without a network connection, installers for other CPU architectures, or cloud instances, can be found at Getting Debian.

  8. Debian -- Getting Debian

    You can install Debian (on as many machines as you like) without downloading all packages yourself. The CD can be used to more easily rescue a damaged Debian system.

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